Local SEO: 9 Must-Read Ways to Improve Your Local Search Rankings


Backlinks are more than links from other websites – social media shares and mentions are an integral way to enhance authority. If your content helps a user, they’re more likely to share your post on social media. This can lead to an increase in website traffic, translating to higher SERPs performance.

How to Create an Efficient International SEO Strategy?

If the purpose of internal links is to guide search engines and users around the site, then your text anchors need to be descriptive. Semantic keywords are words and phrases that are related to your primary keyword. They help search engines understand the context of your content and improve its relevancy for certain queries. When users conduct a Google search via mobile device, Google gives mobile-optimized sites top indexing preference.

AI SEO: What To Expect in 2023?

And, if you’re still banking on compelling content and hashtags to expand your brand reach, you may have a tough time keeping up. International SEO opens up vast opportunities for reaching global audiences but requires a nuanced understanding of regional search behaviors, language nuances, and technical SEO implementations. Advanced crawling and indexing techniques are vital components of technical SEO that can significantly impact a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Mobile-first indexing means that Google predominantly uses the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. Advanced SEO techniques for global reach Moreover, user experience should be a priority in your global SEO campaigns. Google and other search engines give preference to websites that offer an exceptional user experience. Remember to conduct your competitor research in all the country-specific search engines and not just Google.com because different websites rank higher depending on your target location and language. Also, make sure to search in the native language of the target country because that’s what most people would do. An international brand sells in more than one country, so it must cater to different cultures. Internal linking best practices help search engine bots discover recently published pages, improve user experience, and boost the performance of pages you’re linking to. But link building remains a primary part of an effective performance-based SEO strategy. Embedding high-quality and relevant original images in your content is a crucial advanced SEO technique that can greatly contribute to your digital success. By creating unique visuals, you can enhance the overall user experience on your website and establish your brand identity. When Comprehensive SEO audits comes to digital marketing, building backlinks through podcasts is an innovative and effective way to enhance your SEO efforts. Podcasts provide an opportunity to share your expertise, connect with influencers and industry experts, and reach a wider audience.